By default, RPC response objects are format into a JSON string, and returned as API response.
Postprocessors handle responses from backend service. You can change default behavior by assigning a postprocessor.
Let’s change the response of API “/eat_apple/{num:[0-9]+}”:
Edit “yourservice/grpcapi/component/components.go”:
func InitComponents() {
+ turbo.SetPostprocessor("/eat_apple/{num:[0-9]+}", postEatApple)
+func postEatApple(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, serviceResp interface{}) {
+ sr := serviceResp.(*proto.EatAppleResponse)
+ resp.Write([]byte("this is from postprocesser, message=" + sr.Message))
Restart HTTP server and test:
$ curl -w "\n" "http://localhost:8081/eat_apple/5"
this is from postprocesser, message=Good taste! Apple num=5